Science Technologies
Genetics, Robotics, Information and Nanotechnology.
Ray Kurzweil Predicts Three Technologies Will Define Our Future
This is the last in a four-part series looking at the big ideas in Ray Kurzweil’s book The Singularity Is Near. ​Be sure to read the other articles: Will the End of Moore’s Law Halt Computing’s Exponential Rise? Technology Feels Like It’s Accelerating — Because It Actually Is How to Think Exponentially and Better Predict the Future …
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Human Augmentation Makes List Of 2020 Strategic Techs
Check out this timeline that shows the incredible progression of modern robotic-based human prosthetic augmentation from the 1950s to today.
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Kaspersky The Future Of Human Augmentation Report
The Future of Humankind
Scenarios from heaven to hell, with stops along the way
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Genetics Nanotechnology Robotics
Robotics, genetic engineering and nanotechnology are on the brink of radically changing every aspect of human existence. Innovation everywhere how the a..
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GRIN-X Intersection of Genetics Robotics Information Nanotechnolgy
GRIN-X news, conference and intelligence brings emerging technologies, industries, visionaries, and investors together.
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Why the Future Doesn't Need Us
Why the future doesn’t need us. Our most powerful 21st-century technologies – robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech – are threatening to make humans an endangered species.
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breakthrough advances in science, technology, and philosophy—including cybernetics, bio-engineering, nanotechnology, machine intelligence, synthetic biology, and transhumanism—will combine to create mind-boggling game-changes to everything you have ever known An international, intellectual and fast-growing cultural movement known as transhumanism intends the use of genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence and nanotechnology (GRIN technologies) as tools that will radically redesign our minds, our memories, our physiology, our offspring, and even perhaps our souls rewriting human DNA

The book is about the march toward a potentially posthuman future in which emerging technologies will allow humans to shape their bodies and minds, or possibly destroy life on earth, or even the universe. Garreau describes these as the "GRIN" technologies: genetics, robotics, information, and nanotechnology.

Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies—and What It Means to Be Human (ISBN 0-385-50965-0) is a book published in 2005 by Joel Garreau.
The potential prospects include superintelligent machines, nonaging bodies, direct connections between human brains or between brain and computer, fully realistic virtual reality, and the reanimation of patients in cryonic suspension. As enablers of such miracles, Garreau mentions especially "GRIN technologies"--genetics, robotics, information technology and nanotechnology.

The resulting convergence of genetics, robotics, and artificial intelligence may give us hitherto undreamed-of capacities to transform our environment and ourselves.

Human augmentation technology offers vast potential for many different industries. These developments combine medicine and technology to increase the capabilities of the human body. However, those outside the tech industry may not even be aware of how much augmentation can enhance our daily lives.

To shed some light on the latest developments, we asked members of Forbes Technology Council what the most intriguing piece of human augmentation tech is they've seen so far. Their best responses are below.

1. Internet Searches

The advances in internet and search technologies have augmented humans the best. Over five exabytes of information flow through the internet every day, which really means humans don't really need to research and remember a boatload of information. Everything is available at our fingertips, freeing our brains to do more creative and innovative work. - Anant Verma, Hired

2. Visualization

While we are all searching for the next most innovative AI technology, let’s not forget that visualization is right in front of our nose and can be one of the most powerful tools we can use to augment human capabilities. A picture is worth a thousand words, and visualization forces you to uncover insights in a way that just data wouldn’t. - Sanjay Srivastava, Genpact

3. Sensory Augmentation

In our business, we see examples of sensory augmentation such as using machine learning to enhance radiologists’ abilities to do more accurate x-ray diagnoses or enhancing my ability to back out of my driveway by sensing the garbage cans that are blocking my path! - Alyssa Simpson Rochwerger, Appen

4. Digital Sales Interaction Analysis

Augmentation tech aimed at offering real-time analysis to sales teams of how conversations and interactions are moving is particularly intriguing. Especially as we move to more and more digital selling, helping a remote salesperson replace the usual body language signals with analysis of telephone conversations and email exchanges could be hugely impactful. - Geoff Webb, PROS

5. Brain-Computer Interfaces

Brain-computer interfaces are the means of using technology to directly communicate with other human body parts. For now, it is being used to treat paralysis and to help patients gain mobility. In the future, however, BCI-users can connect their bodies directly to the internet or other services, changing our worldview and how we function in the digital era. - Arnie Gordon, Arlyn Scales

6. Natural Language Generation

Human augmentation tech has come a long way, even creating hybrid environments where man and machine work together. This is true in the Natural Language Generation (NLG) sector, where tools like Phrasee help marketers find the right words and bring objectiveness into writing through automation. This essentially augments a copywriter’s natural abilities through the power of NLG. - Robert Weissgraeber, AX Semantics

7. Real-Time Conversation Translation

I think the most intriguing and useful piece of human augmentation deals with translating conversations in real-time. Our world is more interconnected than ever. Folks are constantly traveling for leisure and business. Being able to plug something in your ear and understand the local people will make a huge difference in how we communicate as humans. - Abishek Surana Rajendra, Course Hero

8. Modern Hearing Aids With iPhone Compatibility

While many hearing-impaired people have shunned older hearing aids, modern units can integrate seamlessly with the iPhone for calls, listening to music and using Siri. With better sound quality, great battery life and smaller form factors, modern hearing aids augment poor hearing and deliver the capability of modern earbuds in popular use. They are worth a second look! - Steve Pao, Hillwork, LLC

9. Exoskeletons For Workplace Safety

I'm most excited by exoskeletons and how they will keep workers safer in environments that require heavy lifting and loading. With exoskeletons, freight loaders and maintenance workers could lift heavier loads of up to 200 lbs., without fatigue or strain. Emerging technologies like these ensure higher levels of workplace health and safety, as well as the empowerment of workers to be twice as productive. - Ryan Chan, UpKeep Maintenance Management

10. Neurally-Controlled Artificial Limbs

Taking an idea from movies and literature, I'm most excited about the integration of the brain, computers and artificial limbs. I’m curious to see how technology companies around the world create prototypes to help patients gain more intuitive control over their arm or leg prosthetics. The collaboration between pure research institutes like DARPA and leading tech companies is fascinating. - Thomas Griffin, OptinMonster

11. Superhuman Sensory Enhancement

We are starting to see a turning point in AI augmentation that can enhance our senses in ways we only envisioned in books and movies. That turning point is in human-centered AI that augments our senses to superhuman capacities. Whether it be increased vision, decision-making on the battlefield or resource support in times of pandemics, AI with the human in the center is revolutionary. - José Morey, Liberty BioSecurity


CRISPR is a technology that has the power, simplicity and flexibility to edit genomes in an amazingly fast time, which can lead to augmentations in humans. This biotechnology has the ability to modify our genome, making it an extremely powerful human augmentation technology. When it is perfected, its use will be unparalleled. - Alexandro Pando, Xyrupt Technologies